Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dancin my legs off (maybe)

So though I'm in band I'm also take dance but sadly this is my last year. So tonight I just got back from 2 hours of dance. An hour of ballet and another of jazz. So ballet each year we've had a theme and this year it is Alice in Wonderland and my class is the Tweedles which can be real tiring because we have to do a real charactery dance with a lot of jumps and stuff. Also our jazz is just as hard, so yea I'm pretty tired, but I have an hour of ballet tomorrow to make up for a snow day in January and a few hours on Sunday to get ready for recital.

OOOH! I almost forgot! I only have 7 more practices until I leave for my band trip to Orlando, and less than 12 days, CAN'T WAIT!!


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