Saturday, April 30, 2011

Double Gold All the Way!!!!

I just got back from the Feastival Disney Awards Cerimony and here are the results:
Symphonic: Golden Mickey
Concert: Silver Mickey
Jazz: Golden Mickey
Other Awards: Flute Solo Award for Anna and Sarah Anne

8th: Silver Mickey
7th: Bronze Mickey
Girls: Golden Mickey

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I can't believe I leave for Orlando tomorrow! It's so close yet sooo far away!

Monday, April 18, 2011


OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE ITS ONLY EIGHT DAYS TILL ORLANDO!! So not much is going on this but a lot of practicing and I mean A LOT!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dancin my legs off (maybe)

So though I'm in band I'm also take dance but sadly this is my last year. So tonight I just got back from 2 hours of dance. An hour of ballet and another of jazz. So ballet each year we've had a theme and this year it is Alice in Wonderland and my class is the Tweedles which can be real tiring because we have to do a real charactery dance with a lot of jumps and stuff. Also our jazz is just as hard, so yea I'm pretty tired, but I have an hour of ballet tomorrow to make up for a snow day in January and a few hours on Sunday to get ready for recital.

OOOH! I almost forgot! I only have 7 more practices until I leave for my band trip to Orlando, and less than 12 days, CAN'T WAIT!!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It's that time of year again (contest time)

So spring is here and that can only mean one thing:
So I've all ready had district competition (which we did awesome at) but that doesn't mean contest season is over. Coming up for the me is S&E (solo and ensemble) along with Festival Disney. Last year we went to the St. Louis Heritage Festival and we (a middle school band) competed with high school bands and beat them all. This year we're bigger and better and who knows what we can do? WATCH OUT FESTIVAL DISNEY, BECAUSE YOUR CHAMPION IS COMING IN LESS THAN 13 DAYS!!!
Peace, Love, Band

Monday, April 4, 2011


All I have to say is congratulation Taylor on your win at the ACM Awards plus congrats on you 20 million record sells, just think: 6 of those 20 million where bought by me. Hehe. YOU TOTALLY DESERVED THIS T-SWIZZLE!!